Studies in International Trade Marketing

Skills you can build:

  • Utilize international trade terminology
  • Establish and support programs to market and sell goods and services to international customers
  • Understand and meet customers’ needs in foreign markets
  • Estimated Cost:$4740
  • Credit Hours:12 Credit Hours

Expedited path to success

We are your fastest path from A to B to get into the trade compliance industry.

International trade jobs

This is the ideal program of study for those who want to explore marketing and other cultures.

Stackable credential

Start small. Build your career with your credentials.

Prepare for certification exam

This program helps you prepare for ITC (International Trade Certification(R)’s) Exam.

Explore the Studies in International Trade Marketing

Stackable credential

This program of study is the base for many other exam preparation programs. Start small. Build your career with your credentials.

Prepare for certification exam

In addition to earning college credit and gaining vocational skills, the course of study for this program prepares individuals to sit for the Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist (CITMS)® Exam, an industry benchmarking service provided by International Trade Certification.

However, successful completion of the course of study at Dunlap-Stone University does not guarantee certification. Please contact ITC directly for information on the examination process.