Dunlap-Stone University uses an online distance-learning model. Classes do not take place at a physical campus.

Programs of Study

How can I access my classes?

Accessed through any computer with internet access, the DSU virtual classroom provides course materials (syllabus, lecture, assignments, supplemental resources) and allows students to interact with each other, participating in text-based discussions and submitting assignments for instructor review. This interactive model allows each student to bring their own experiences to the classroom, sharing and gaining valuable insights. Because DSU courses are taught fully online, there are no residency requirements.

When do I log in?

There are no set times that students must log into the classroom, unless coordinated by the faculty member in advance. However, students are expected to log into the classroom and to submit courses/exams by posted deadlines.
  • Students are required to attend the virtual classroom five out of the seven days during each seminar week.
  • Each seminar week starts on Thursday and concludes on Wednesday.
  • Assignments are due on the day of the seminar specified (before midnight) and must have the appropriate day recorded in the sign-on logo (or an earlier date) for full credit.
  • Participation is measured by recording the date of each entry the student makes to the system – whether it is a response to one of the assignments, a comment on the work of another or a question to the group or to the instructor.
  • An absence does not excuse the student from the responsibility of participation, assigned work and/or testing.
  • Students may be dropped for poor attendance after two consecutive weeks of absences are accumulated.

What are the courses like?

All courses are semester credit hours. Course curriculum is designed around specific educational outcomes that are listed in each course syllabus. Course curriculum is developed through extensive research and draws from professional experience of instructors and curriculum developers. The curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to master learning outcomes.